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  1. No illegal pitches (e.g., balks) will be called.

  2. During the first four weeks of the season, there will be a maximum of 5 runs per half inning. Half inning ends after (5) runs or 3 outs. The 10-Run Mercy rule shall not apply. After 4 weeks, there will be no 5-run rule and the 10-run rule (Rule 4.10(e)) shall apply.

  3. No defensive coaches are allowed on the field or in foul territory. Offensive coaches are allowed at first and third base. If only two coaches are available at game time, a player wearing a helmet may coach the empty base. There must be one coach in the dugout at all times.

  4. No new inning can begin after 2 hours from the first pitch. Any inning begun must be completed. At the end of all games, coaches must be prepared to leave the field in order to begin the next game at its scheduled time.

  5. Pitching: Players under the league age 10 years old must pitch a minimum of 60 pitches per week or four (4) innings, whichever comes first. (This requirement can be met in one game.) Ten and eleven year olds may pitch all other innings. All players are eligible to pitch in the Minor League. Exception: Little League Baseball prohibits any 12 year-olds from pitching in Minor League games.

  6. Minimum play: Every player on the roster and present at the game must play two full innings on defense (an inning is defined as three outs or 5 runs; the innings do not have to be played consecutively). The exceptions to this rule shall be in those instances when a game is shortened by weather, time, run rule, or an injury causes a player to be removed from a game before he has played the minimum number of innings.

  7. Stealing is permitted. When attempting to steal a base, a base runner may not leave the base he occupies until after a pitched ball has reached the batter.

  8. Mandatory Pitch Counts: The following pitch counts shall apply to all games and all pitchers, regardless of age:

Month & Maximum Pitch Count
February & March - 30
April - 40 
May - 50

A pitcher must be removed when he reaches his pitch count. However, if a pitcher reaches his/her pitch count during an “at bat,” that pitcher shall be permitted but is not required to complete the “at bat.” The pitch count shall be enforced by the team managers, who are solely responsible for keeping the pitch count. If a disagreement arises on the number of pitches, the pitch count of the pitcher’s manager shall be used. Managers are strongly encouraged to consult between innings on the pitch count. At no time will the umpires be used to enforce the pitch count policy.

This local rule (“Mandatory Pitch Counts”) cannot be waived by the mutual consent of the managers and coaches, nor may it be waived by the umpires.

9. For all matters not addressed herein, the Little League playing rules shall govern (including days of rest for pitchers and catchers/pitchers rules).

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